I hope you enjoy my website as I designed it to be a gathering place where both high-achieving insurance professionals and trusted advisors can meet, share ideas and experiences and to contribute to a conversation about the untapped opportunities within our diverse and
oft-misunderstood industry.


H E L L O!
I’m Mary Oliva.
I mentor, speak and publish about how I have revolutionized bringing customized life and health insurance solutions to affluent, international individuals, families and businesses who have complex planning needs.

Whether they are seeking a $1,000,000 term policy or a nine-figure permanent life insurance policy, I am passionate about understanding each client’s unique needs, their hopes, passions and fears, so that I can find the perfect solution for them and their families.

Emerging from the Cocoon – Preparing to Re-Open after COVID
Reading Time: 5 minutes The “stay at home order” is like the cocoon stage in the life cycle of a butterfly.
This intermission in our professional lives is the perfect time to prepare for the next act in our careers—more robust and fulfilling than the last. Now is the time to work more, not less! Now is the time to stop being a caterpillar and turn your business into a butterfly.